About Us
Forex Trading is a big market in the world. Without having proper knowledge and proper education anyone can loss their investment in this market. This is the market where anyone can make 100% loss and this is only market where anyone can make 1000% profit. But for that you must have to maintain some rules in trading, you must have to maintain proper money management, you should have strong knowledge about technical analysis.
We like to share or educate people about Forex Market. We like to share our best knowledge and best experience about the Forex World. We provide all the information only for education purpose. We want the people never make a big loss in the market.
We all know that money makes money. Now we should know proper knowledge, proper education, proper experience and maintaining the proper rules and money management can make big money (Market can never make you loss).
We are not a financial advisor nor are we giving any financial advice. We are sharing our biased opinion based on speculation. You should not take our opinion as financial advice. Forex Trading is a risky business, We are not guarantee any profit and earning from Forex Trading. You should always do your own research before making any investment to the Forex Trading or any other financial market. You should also understand the risks involved in this market to invest. This is all speculative based investing. We are not responsible for any loss.